Katie’s Bookshelf: StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath


StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath is more of an assessment than a book you read cover to cover.  Those interested can take the online assessment then utilize the book to find out more in depth about their strengths.  The mentality behind developing this tool is that we operate better by knowing our strengths than trying to improve our weaknesses.  If we, as the reader, can narrow down our top qualities and focus on fostering them in our lives or work environment, we will be more productive.  If we can understand the strengths of those around us, we can better utilize what they have to offer.

The online tool takes about 45-minutes to complete and is not about answering questions based on opposite ends of the continuum.  The two phrases you have to choose from sometimes have no correlation.  It’s also important to choose quickly.  This assessment was not created for us to over-analyze ourselves, but to choose which statement resonates with who we believe we are by using our instinct.

Buy the book if you want access to all of the strengths and an access code to the online assessment.  You can also simply purchase access to the test without buying the book for $15.  By taking the assessment, you will receive a download that includes your top 5 strengths as well as information about each.  For each strength, the book will provide a brief synopsis, an example of what that strength “sounds like” in someone, ideas for action, and working with someone with that strength.

I recommend this for anyone who is looking to determine and develop their strengths, those who work with a team, or anyone in a leadership position to provide to those people they work with.  Through their website portal, you will have access to ways to analyze a group of people to find out their strengths together.

Read this book if:

  • You are interested in learning more about yourself
  • Engaging in personal development
  • In a leadership position at work or with a group

Buy it here.

Rath, T. (2007). Strengths finder 2.0. New York: Gallup Press.