Katie’s Bookshelf: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell uses psychology, neuroscience, and storytelling to help the reader determine better decision making skills.  Gladwell begins with an abundance of information and real-world examples of what he calls “rapid cognition” which is basically using your instinct to make decisions.  He moves on to when this can go horribly wrong in decisionContinue reading “Katie’s Bookshelf: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell”

Katie’s Bookshelf: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl is one of those books that everyone needs to read in their lifetime.  Frankl was imprisoned in 4 different concentration camps during the Holocaust.  He survived and not only continued his work on helping people find meaning in their lives but exploded in this area, eventually creating Logotherapy.Continue reading “Katie’s Bookshelf: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl”