Restorative Yoga Pose of the Week – Supported Bound Angle


Supported Bound Angle Pose is a back bend that will increase the energy in the body.  This position will open the chest, abdomen, and pelvis.  The benefits the pose offers the areas restricted by sitting and standing are tremendous.  Other benefits include helping those with high blood pressure, or breathing problems.  Bound Angle can also help relieve symptoms of menstruation and menopause.

Always advise your doctor before beginning any type of yoga practice.  Avoid this pose if you have spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis or if you continue to have any discomfort in your neck, spine, or knees after adjusting your props.

To set up this pose, you will need blocks, a bolster, and blankets.  A sandbag, strap, and eye pillow are optional.  Place your blocks at either the highest and medium level, or medium and lowest level.  Prop your bolster against the blocks.  If using a strap to help your feet stay in place, loop it around your lower back and on the outside blades of your feet.  Rolled blankets can be placed under your knees when your legs are in a diamond shape.  The shape of the diamond in your legs is dependent on your comfort level.  Place your bolster setup at your lower back and sacrum area and lean back until you are touching the bolster.  Tighten the strap until you feel supported and comfortable.  A sandbag may be placed on top of your feet and an eye pillow can be used to eliminate stimulation.  Place your arms by your side and add blankets or blocks for more support.  If you feel any discomfort in your neck, spine, or knees, come out of the pose and adjust your props or the shape of the diamond in your legs.

Once you are set up in the pose and comfortable, start to settle into the props and begin your inhales and exhales.  Stay in this pose as long as it is comfortable, average time may be 10-15 minutes.

To come out of the pose, remove the eye pillow, and place your palms on the mat to slowly lift your body away from the bolster.  Remove the strap and sandbag if used.  Stretch your legs out in front of you and spend a moment here preparing for what’s next.

Watch Katie demonstrate how to set up this pose:


Carey, L. (2015). Restorative yoga therapy: The Yapana way to self-care and well-being.

Lasater, J. (1995). Relax and renew: Restful yoga for stressful times. Berkeley, CA: Rodmell Press.