Restorative Yoga Pose of the Week – Child’s Pose

In Restorative Yoga, Child’s Pose can bring a sense of security as you wrap your body around the props.  This pose leads the practitioner to more introversion(looking inward, reflection).  It gently stretches the lower back through spine flexion, relieves shoulder tension, and can help with menstrual cramps or symptoms of menopause.  This pose can helpContinue reading “Restorative Yoga Pose of the Week – Child’s Pose”

Restorative Yoga from Judith Hanson Lasater

Judith Hanson Lasater, one of the people who popularized Restorative Yoga as well as the author of “Living Your Yoga” and “Relax and Renew,” was interviewed by on the Drishti Point podcast explaining what this type of yoga is. Judith defines it as “the use of props to support the body in poses of comfortContinue reading “Restorative Yoga from Judith Hanson Lasater”

Overcoming Self-Injury Group for Adolescent Girls Winter Schedule