Restorative Yoga + Acupuncture Workshop at Noda Yoga

Restorative Yoga is a practice of stillness and deep relaxation.  In this workshop, we will move through 3 poses as your acupuncturist will select 2-3 acupuncture points based on pulse diagnosis to help your body gently release trapped emotions, leading to a deeper sense of calm and relaxation during the yoga practice. Before changing positions your practitioner will removeContinue reading “Restorative Yoga + Acupuncture Workshop at Noda Yoga”

Katie’s Bookshelf: Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness by David Treleaven

David Treleaven’s book, “Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness,” advocates for Mindfulness teachers to recognize the importance of understanding trauma from a biology, interpersonal, and systemic perspective, guide students safely through practices, and continuing to partner with other trauma professionals in their community. He puts a large emphasis on understanding the ongoing traumas that those who are in marginalizedContinue reading “Katie’s Bookshelf: Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness by David Treleaven”

Katie’s Bookshelf: A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink

In his book, “A Whole New Mind,” author Pink explores how we are moving into the “Conceptual Age” from the “Information Age” where right-brain qualities will dominate. He theorizes that due to abundance of materials, automation of processes, and finding cheaper labor overseas, our society will need to depend on qualities such as creativity andContinue reading “Katie’s Bookshelf: A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink”

Katie’s Bookshelf: If the Buddha Dated by Charlotte Kasl

Kasl’s “If the Buddha Dated” is a book about finding love, dating, and getting to know yourself on a deeper level within a relationship. Kasl uses her own experiences in dating, as a psychotherapist, and from exposure to relationships within different religions and spiritualities. “On the spiritual path the rules are simple. Be kind, compassionate,Continue reading “Katie’s Bookshelf: If the Buddha Dated by Charlotte Kasl”

Books for Adversity

Below you will find a list of books with links to the reviews to help you when you encounter adversity. Rising Strong by Brene Brown Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga by David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Relax and Renew byContinue reading “Books for Adversity”